Best selling wood projects
Where does time go?
The weather here has been fickle - some stunningly beautiful spring days, mixed with winds carrying dust and smoke from hazard reduction burns.
The ukulele is still getting its layerings of shellac when weather permits.
The Hastings Woodworkers Guild is keeping me busy as well.
We retrieved some fallen timber that we will mill in our Club bandsawmill.
These logs are eucalyptus grandis - also known as flooded gum or rose gum.
Only found along parts of the east coast of Australia, this was a rare and lucky acquisition for us.
The tree blew down in a wind storm earlier this year, and has awaited collecting since then.
Rose gum is a beautiful, straight grained pink to red timber, that is easily worked and gives a lovely finish.
My friend and singing (a cappella - base/tenor) partner - Ken - seen here directing operations on the back of the truck, donated the timber - and our club is extremely grateful.
Events for the club are coming thick and fast as well. We have had weekend after weekend doing demonstrations and publicising our upcoming wood show - Port Panthers Auditorium - 5,6 & 7th October.
Here are some of the woodies at last weekends antique fair over at Wauchope:
On this occasion we were demonstrating pen-making, and scroll saw work. Chris takes a turn ........
In between, there has been Uke-night - (an absolute hoot this week), local meetings, and all the regular things that make up life at the moment.
I am itching to see the ukulele finished, and find out what it sounds like.
In the meantime here is some Taimane Gardner to blow you away:
Best selling wood projects
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